Tuesday, 29 April 2014

News: Cakephp 1.3.18 and 2.4.8 released on April 29, 2014

Cakephp core team has announced the availability of Cakephp 1.3.18 and 2.4.8 on April 29, 2014. Cakephp Developers, who are struggling with security issues, now recommended to use SecurityComponent.

Lists of expected changes in 1.3.18 are given below:
  • Model conditions containing : or ? are now handled correctly. This fixes issues around using casting in conditions
  • SecurityComponent form tampering hashes now include the URL path as a hash input.

Lists of expected changes in 2.4.8 are given below:
  • SQLServer now properly appends the schema name when describing tables.
  • Hash::extract() can now match boolean attributes.
  • fclose() errors when using shells should no longer happen.
  • CakeResponse::file() now throws an exception when paths contain '..'.
  • ShellDispatcher now casts argv to an array. This fixes issues when cake console was invoked from a non-cli SAPI.
  • TextHelper::autoLink() now correctly links urls with subdomains containing '\_'.
  • SecurityComponent form tampering hashes now include the URL including the query string as a hash input.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Infographic: Comparison Between Cakephp And CodeIgniter!

PHP Frameworks (Cakephp and CodeIgniter) provide a firm structure for code. It also saves us from rewriting the same code and creating the functionalities all over again.

While CodeIgniter would be well-suited for smaller applications, CakePHP is an advanced framework-distributed under MIT license. Each framework has its own pros and cons, but it really depends on your project's complexity and provision to choose the suitable one.

So here is an Infographic that provides a brief comparison between Cakephp and CodeIgniter frameworks with their respective pros and cons: