Before starting to learn about how to make registration form in Cakephp, I want to make it clear that you should read abo MVC model in Cakephp.
Step 1 - Create Table and fields
In first step we create table in database then create fields that are generally included in registration forms (like username, password, email id etc.)
Database query to create table: Create table ‘tablename’
Database query to create field:
CREATE TABLE tablename (
username VARCHAR (50) NOT Null,
password VARCHAR (50) NOT Null,
email VARCHAR (100) NOT Null,
firstname VARCHAR (25),
lastname VARCHAR (25),
Note: - You can write any suitable name in place of “tablename”.
Step 2 - Create Model
Model is the part that takes care of the database logic. Create model with “tablename.php” in app/models as we defined name of table is “tablename” in first step. To make action on “tablename” we have to declare name (like name) because it uses in controller to save data. Code looks like: $this->name->save(data).
Code to create model:
class tablename extends AppModel
var $name=' name ';
Step 3 - Create View
View is the part that presents data received from model. Create view ‘register.ctp’ in app/view/tablename. We are creating form here in HTML although you can use helpers provided by cakephp to create form too.
Code to create view:
<form action="../tablename/register" method="post">
<p>Register your account.</p>
<label>Username:</label><input name="username" size="40" />
<label>Password:</label><input type="password" name="password" size="40"/>
<label>Email Id:</label><input name="email" size="40" maxlength="100" />
<label>First Name:</label><input name=" firstname " size="25" />
<label>Last Name:</label><input name=" lastname " size="25" />
<input type="submit" value="register" />
Note: Always remember the input name should be same as column name of our table.
Step 4 - Create Controller
Controller is a part that responds to user with combined action of model and view part. Create ‘tablename_controller.php‘ in app/controllers.
Code to create controller:
Class tablename_Controller extends AppController
function register(){
if (!empty($this->params['form']))
$this->flash('Registration Successful','/tablename/register’);
$this->flash('Not succeeded','/tablename/register');
How above codes work?
First user open registration form here, "tablename/register/" in his browser. User fills the registration form details and click on register button. In controller it will check for the register function as we mentioned the action of form as ‘../register’ .
Register function in controller will save the data of form by using given statement
This statement create insert query in database, i.e.
Insert INTO
Tablename(username, password, email, firstname, lastname)
After insert command, a message pop-ups on your window “Registration successful” and you are done!
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