Thursday, 14 November 2013

Learn Cakephp from Tutorials

Cakephp is a fast growing framework that makes website development faster and easier for php programmers. Its MVC platform is a great help to developers. It’s already in-built view structure and functional library is making PHP popular among other programming languages.
For beginners, it is really a tedious task to find right assistance for learning Cakephp from the basics. So, here I collect some very good tutorials and sources to learn and understand Cakephp framework thoroughly.

Online Books and PDFs
The very first tutorial for every beginner should start with is the e-book suggested by itself. It is one of the best books to start learning basics of Cakephp. 

Gobookee is another good place to find several e-books (free or paid both) in Cakephp category. One best thing is that if you have any good tutorial to share then you can also submit it here.   

Video Tutorials
Video is the best tutorial to learn and apply Cakephp phenomenon itself. Official Cakephp channel is very popular among beginners as well as experts. Here all topics related to Cakephp development, issues and solutions discussed by qualified experts.

Andrew Spark is another known name that is very experienced and knowledgeable tutor. He explained Cakephp fundamentals and applications in his video series in a very simple and understandable manner.  

Cakephp Blogs
James Fairhurst explained all the Cakephp methods from installation to code snippets in his articles and tutorials. His famous series of tutorials is “Full cake 1.2 App (Part 1 to 12)”.

I highly recommend “Nuts and Bolts of Cakephp” blog to read and learn tips and tricks of Cakephp to practice at home. Also you can find new updates and code snippets for several issues like session storage, firebug logging etc.

Cakephp Cheat sheet
I always prefer to carry a cheatsheet to remind code snippets for particular function quickly. It saves time, makes process faster and people can find a lot of code snippets for Cakephp platform at one place. So, here is one of the best online cheat sheets to learn and use several coding actions and data definitions.

Forums and Q/A websites
If you don’t able to search and find the solution of your queries, you can ask from experts in different communities and Q&A websites. Just post your question and get your answer in no time. Forums and Q&A websites are best to even ask some silly questions which you can’t able to discuss with your friends and tutor. Simply first register an account on forum site and post a new thread with your queries. Here people are always available to help beginners and experienced too. Some popular sites are:

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