Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Five Things that Every Beginner Should Know About CakePHP Framework

Image Courtesy: blog.koding.com

CakePHP framework is a quick build solution to PHP website development. As it follows MVC (Model View Controller) architecture, it has ability to divide development work in separate entities and hence supports the code re-usability feature. There are plenty of features that places CakePHP framework in a unique category, but in my research I find these five points that every beginner should know about CakePHP platform:

Easy to Create Admin Section
In CakePHP framework, you can easily create admin section that holds all rights in one entity by just uncomment “define(‘CAKE_ADMIN’,’admin’);” in config/core.php file.
That helps to access all processes prefixed with “admin_”, like “admin/controller/action”. You can also prevent unwanted user access through password protect your admin section.
Static Pages
It is easy to create and access static pages in CakePHP. Suppose you want to create a static page then just create a view inside the “views/page/folder”.  You can also access it through ‘/page’.
Also if you want to adjust the page title of static page using pages controller, add the given command “<? $this->pagetitle = ‘Page Title’; ?>” to view section.
Bake.php to Generate MVC
Bake is a command line php script that automatically produces a MVC on the basis of database design. It helps to save several times in repetitive tasks like making CRUD controller operation and views.
For using bake, you first crate a table in your database then convert’s directories to the “/cake/scripts/ folder” and run “php bake.php”.

Easy Email Sending Through PHP-Mailer
You can send mail either through JavaScript or PHP-mailer function. Which one is easy? The answer should be PHP-mailer because sending emails through PHP-mailer is very secure and it construct mail header by itself.
Many Options of Documentation
CakePHP has many documentation resources to learn and find solutions easily. Apart from manual, API and Wiki are two best sources of information. In these wiki tutorials and API, you can easily find all essential points to build a website in CakePHP.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Read CakePHP Features for Website Application Development

Image Courtesy: seoranksmart.com

CakePHP is an open source framework that allows developers to write codes in less time and effort from other frameworks. Many developers move to CakePHP platform to build websites in a new and progressive manner. CakePHP allows a basic system to the developers to construct, establish and manage a collection of web applications.

Support PHP Versions
Now days, CakePHP totally supports most recent versions of PHP programming language. It can be used to build the future web applications and also capable in integration of particular functionality to fulfill the requirements of client. The advanced features of Cakephp also help to improve user experience for the web applications.

MVC architecture
The architecture consists of three elements, i.e., model, view and controller. Model is used to communicate with various data sources, and View is used to handle the website layout and design. However, the Controller will permit you to operate the working of model and view based on the directions received from clients. Each layer can be used separately to make the web development process easier and smoother.

The strong security features of CakePHP stands it higher than other frameworks. It contains Object Relational Mapping (ORM) framework that helps to configure SQL queries easily. However, you can also use database commands like Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete for user security in less time and effort. The in-built shell of Cakephp framework permits to integrate CLI (Command line interface) too.

CakePHP is well-known framework among web developers because of its variety of fast and flexible templates. Here you can also design custom CakePHP templates to modify the visuals of the user interface of your website application. There are several CakePHP professionals in the world that can provide a number of customized templates to earn money. 

Other Features
It doesn’t end up here. CakePHP offers some more functionality to make website application development more eminent and easier. Along with support all database functions; it supports the functionality of code re-usability. So developers can comfortably setup the system without writing extended codes. The framework provides other features like rich query APIs and shorten URL syntax.